Tokyo international Fanta stick film festival 2004@

@The screening of "MIDORI" in Japan. As for it, smoke dances in screen,
and light and cherry blossom petals dance like a storm. Music and sound effects are mixed more.
The upper photograph is those machine systems.
photo:Mako Sakura

As for the Japanese screening of MIDORI, two channels monaural than 2000.
Another sound runs around in a theater.
Furthermore, in a theater, the third sound and music are played.
The projectionist controls volume to adjustment, to aim at the maximum of the volume of the movie.
In a ticket receptionist and a restroom, the spectator is surprised.
At the last of the movie, white smoke is generated in a theater.
And petals of "Sakura" dance.
And the illumination of the seat and the light of the ceiling repeat light.