INTERNATIONAL ANIMATION FILM FESTIVAL"FANTOCHE07", MIDORI of the Switzerland version is shown.The prosperity and the end.



The Baden city is 25 minutes by a train from Zurich.
A very quiet town.
This town will give people ease and healing.
When it watches an animated cartoon movie, it is the best environment.

The opening scenery of the theater where MIDORI was shown.
In the theater,They can hear the advertising speech of the Japanese freak show & circus"MISEMONOGOYA".
The person who stands with the photograph of the left side.
He is Mr.Till Brockmann(film critic) of the chairmanship of "teach in".

A dove and the sparrow of Baden coexist with a human being.
And, in the suburbs of the town, we can meet a cat.

*Swiss various information>Swiss info

*Swiss info fantoche07 report> Swiss info Only Japanese